Peter Hristoff

1958 İstanbul’da doğdu.
1981 School of Visual Arts
1983 Hunter College, City University of New York.
New York ve İstanbul’da yaşıyor ve çalışıyor.
Kişisel Sergiler
Yol, C.A.M. Galeri
Memento İstanbul: Hristoff Aile Arşivi, Yapı Kredi Kültür Sanat
Heroes, C.A.M. Galeri, İstanbul
Bahçede, C.A.M Galeri, İstanbul
İlmek İlmek Meandros, Meandros Festivali 2008, Priene, Güllübahçe, Türkiye
Mutlu/ Mutsuz, Yapı Kredi Kültür Merkezi, İstanbul
Dua, (Halılar), Ayasofya Müzesi, İstanbul
Dua, (Resimler ve Desenler) C.A.M. Galeri, İstanbul
Hully Gully, David Beitzel Gallery, New York, NY
The History of Anatolian Folk Music, Fosdic-Nelson Gallery, Alfred University Art
Yapı Kredi Kültür Merkezi, İstanbul, İzmir, Adana, Türkiye
Peter Hristoff: Paintings, Collages and Works on Paper, David Beitzel Gallery, New
York, NY
The Sky Unfolds in Mysterious Ways, David Beitzel Gallery, Project Room, New York, NY
David Beitzel Gallery, New York, NY
Shea & Bornstein Gallery, Santa Monica, CA
Artist’s Journal, David Beitzel Gallery, New York, NY
David Beitzel Gallery, New York, NY
fiction/nonfiction, New York, NY
Paulo Salvador Gallery, New York, NY
Seçilmiş Grup Sergileri
2017 In Shadow, C.A.M. Galeri, İstanbul
2015 Things That Count... Things That Don’t, The Abrazo Interno Gallery at The Clemente,
New York, NY
START ‘Art within Reach’ vol. III, C.A.M. Galeri, İstanbul, Türkiye
Pagina, Antica Libreria Casci anelli, Roma, Italya
2014 East of Eden, Gallery Pryzmat Krakow, Polonya
START ‘Art within Reach’ vol.II, C.A.M. Galeri, İstanbul, Türkiye
2013 Handy Minds, Michael Mut Gallery, New York, NY, küratör: Luiza Cardenuto
Sublime Port: An Exhibition of Contemporary Turkish Art,” St. Johns University,
Queens, NY
Dynasty, Hotel Particulier, New York, NY
2012 Siyah& Beyaz, C.A.M. Galeri, İstanbul
The End is Also The Beginning, C.A.M. Galeri, İstanbul, Türkiye
2011 Ego Kırılmaları IV, C.A.M. Galeri, İstanbul
2010 İstanbul Cool! LTMH Gallery, NY
Housebroken, Flux Factorty, New York, NY
Special Features, Residency Unlimited at Kumukumu Gallery, New York, NY
Eye/World, Triple Candy, New York, NY
“That’s Life!” Pera Film, Pera Museum, Istanbul, Türkiye
“East Meets West on the East End” Tripoli Gallery, Southhampton, NY
Meandros Festival 2010” Priene, Güllübahçe, Türkiye
2009 Octet, Pera Müzesi, İstanbul, Türkiye
“Octet: Codes and Contexts in Recent Art” Visual Arts Gallery, New York, NY
2008 Etki Altında, C.A.M. Galeri İstanbul, küratör: Susan Inglett
2007 Il Vento Scrive, Galleria Italarte, Roma, Italya
2006 Ego Kırılmaları, C.A.M. Galeri, İstanbul
Deluge, Bucheon Gallery, San Francisco, CA
2004 Languor, Lohin Geduld Gallery, New York, NY
2002 Üç İstanbullu, Yapı Kredi Kültür Merkezi, İstanbul, Türkiye
Beyond Boundaries, Solomon Fine Art, Seattle, WA
2001 Summer Group Exhibition, David Beitzel Gallery, New York, NY
2000 Patterened Flowers, George Billis Gallery, New York, NY
1999 Wild Flowers, Katonah Museum of Art, Katonah, NY
Summer Group Exhibition, David Bietzel Gallery, New York, NY
Imaginative Liberties: Peter Hristoff, Steve DeFrank, Mark Harris, and Judy Mannarino,
The Work Space, New York, NY
1998 “Convergence” George Billis Gallery, New York, NY
1997 “Coming Home Again, School of Visual Arts Fine Arts Alumni: the 80’s to 90’s” Visual
Arts Gallery, New York, NY
“Summer Group Show,” David Beitzel Gallery, New York, NY
“Ornament and Landscape: On the Nature of Artifice,” Apex Art, New York, NY
1996 “The Great Pretender” Penine Hart, New York, NY
1995 “Insight” David Beitzel Gallery, New York, NY
“Con Figure - Aperto 95” Arci-Gay, S. Giacomo Dell’Orio, Venice, Italy
“A Communique from North America” Foundacion Rojas, Buenos Aires, küratör: Bill
1994 “Trees” Midtown Payson Gallery, New York, NY
“Inaugural Exhibition,” Quo Quo’s, Hong Kong, 1993 - 1994. *
1993 “Intimate Universe,” Nina Freudenheim Gallery, Buffalo, NY; Michael Walls Gallery,
New York, NY, 1992.
“Bodily” Penine Hart Gallery, New York, NY
1992 “Things” Geoffrey Young Gallery, Great Barrington, MA
“Paper Houses” David Beitzel Gallery, New York, NY
“Contemporary Surfaces” Pamela Auchincloss Gallery, New York, NY, küratör: Rick
“Transparency” Luise Ross Gallery, New York, NY
“The Wall Project” Sculpture Center, New York, NY
1991 “Art for Your Collection XXVIII” Museum of Art, Rhode Island School of Design,
Providence, RI
“Ten Years: A Decade of the MFA Program at Hunter College” Hunter College Art
Gallery, New York, NY
“New Work,” David Beitzel Gallery, New York, NY
“Bion” Betsy Rosenfield Gallery, Chicago, IL
“Geometric Considerations” Capital Cities/ABC, New York, NY, Museum of Modern
Art, Art Advisory Service, küratör: Erica Behrens.
1990 “New York, New York” KX-Kunst auf Kampnagel, Hamburg, West Germany
Group Show, Penine Hart Gallery, New York, NY
1989 Group Show, David Beitzel Gallery, New York, NY
Group Show, Mincher/Wilcox Gallery, San Francisco, CA
“Lydia Dona, Peter Hristoff, Susana Jaime-Mena, Chris Macdonald” David Beitzel
Gallery, New York, NY
“Abstraction as Landscape” Gallery Urban, New York, NY
“Is This A Small Picture?” Henry Feiwell, New York, NY
1988 “Annual Benefit Exhibition,” White Columns, New York, NY
“Looking At New Work” Rosa Esman Gallery, New York, NY
“The Four Corners of Abstraction,” White Columns, Inter-national Gallery Invitational,
New York, NY küratör: Bill Arning.
“School of Visual Arts -- Selected Works” Leo Castelli Gallery, New York, NY
1987 “New American Talent” Laguna Gloria Art Museum, Austin, TX
“Did It Again” Binoche et Godeau, Paris, Fransa
“Preview” fiction/nonfiction, New York, NY
1986 “Ab-Stracted-Land-Scapes,” Robbin Lockett Gallery, Chicago, IL
“Works on Paper” Althea Viafora Gallery, New York, NY
“In Black and White” Ted Greenwald Gallery, New York, NY
“Inaugural Exhibition” Robbin Lockett Gallery, Chicago, IL
“Perfect” Paulo Salvador Gallery, New York, NY
1985 Group Show, Liedewij Edelkoort Gallery, Paris, Fransa
“Friends and Friends of Friends” Paulo Salvador Gallery, New York, NY
1984 “Fusion” Paulo Salvador Gallery, New York, NY
1982 “Painters”Tompkins Square Library Gallery, New York, NY
“Young New York Painters” Ballard Mill Center Gallery, Malone, NY
1981 Invitational, Club 57, New York, NY
2015 – 2016 Sanatçı Rezidansı, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY
2005 Moon and Stars Project Ödülü
1997 New York Foundation for the Arts Award in Drawing
1994 The Joan Mitchell Foundation Ödülü
New York Metropolitan Museum of Art