Murathan Özbek

1983 – Born in Erzurum.
2005 – Received his B.A degree in Economics from Bilkent University.
Selected Exhibitions
2019 - ''35 x 35'', Siyah Beyaz Art Gallery, Ankara, TR
2017 – ‘Siyah Beyaz’ - Siyah Beyaz Art Gallery, Ankara, TR
2016 - Contemporary Istanbul, Siyah Beyaz Art Gallery, Ankara, TR
2015 - ‘The Monster Called Curator’ - Siyah Beyaz Art Gallery, Ankara, TR
2014 - Contemporary Istanbul, Siyah Beyaz Art Gallery, Ankara, TR
2014 – ‘Simsiyah Bembeyaz Portreler’ - Siyah Beyaz Art Gallery, Ankara, TR
2014 - ‘Once’ - Crimean Memorial Church, Istanbul, TR
2013 - Nikon Exhibition, Tokyo, JP
2013 - Rehearsal III: We are still here!, Istanbul, TR
2012 - Contemporary İstanbul, Galeri Siyah Beyaz, Ankara, TR
2012 – ‘In’ - Gama Gallery, Istanbul, TR
2010 – ‘First impressions of an endless dream’ - Gama Gallery, Istanbul, TR
2015 - Moscow Foto Awards, First Prize (fine-art, other)
2015 - Moscow Foto Awards, Second Prize (book, fine-art)
2015 - Moscow Foto Awards, Honorable Mention (book, fine-art)
2015 - Okan University, Photographer of the Year
2015 - Paris Px3 Awards, Honorable Mention
2014 - Trierenberg Super Circuit, Gold Medal
2014 - Paris Px3 Awards, Gold Medal (Portraiture)
2014 - Paris Px3 Awards, Silver Medal (Fine-art, Book)
2014 - Paris Px3 Awards, People's Choice, Third Prize (Fine-art, Book)
2014 - International Photography Awards(IPA), Second Prize (Portraiture)
2014 - International Photography Awards(IPA), Honorable Mention (Portraiture)
2014 - International Photography Awards(IPA), Honorable Mention (Self - Portrait)
2013 - Trierenberg Super Circuit, Gold Medal
2013 - One Eyeland Awards, Bronze Medal (people category)
2013 - One Eyeland Awards, Bronze Medal (fine-art category)
2013 - Paris Px3 Awards Honorable Mention
2013 - Paris Px3 Awards Second prize
2012-2013 - Nikon Contest, Second Prize
2012 - One Eyeland Awards, Silver Medal
2011 - Boyner Awards, Third Prize
2010 - Sony World Photography Awards Angels&Demons Contest, Grand Prize
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