Metin Alper Kurt

While continuing his art education, which he started at Hacettepe University Sculpture Department, he also studied at the Warsaw Fine Arts Academy Sculpture Department. The artist, who continues his graduate education at Hacettepe University Sculpture Department, which he started in 2018; Closed City (2016), Mammoth Art Project (2018), Other Bodies Are Here (2018), Videonist, City and Memory (2018), Base (2018), Hominid (2019), Baselected-I (2019) and Infilling (2020) was featured in.
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Metin Alper KurtInstallation; Marbleh: 80 x 45 x 45 cm (4 x 14,5 x 22 cm; 7 x 21,5 x 15 cm; 15 x 24 17 cm)x-istDetails -
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